Lyrics Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters

I Am a River

There is a secret

I found a secret

Behind a Soho door

There is a reason

I found a reason

Beneath the subway floor

I found the water

The devils water

and walked along its shore

Is that what you want?

The channel’s changing

The heart is racing

from voices on a wire

The soul is yearning

the cold is burning

the ember starts a fire

Can we recover

love for each other,

the measure of your life

Is that what you want?

Is that what you really want

A river

A river

a river running under ground

A river

A river

Is that what you want?

Is that what you really want?

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

Is that what you want

is that what you really want

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I am a river!

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river

I!.. I!..

I am a river