Lyrics Frank Turner

Frank Turner

Barbara Allen

It being the springtime of the year

The flowers were freshly blooming

A young man from my home country

Fell in love with Barbara Allen

This young man took sick and went to bed

And he called out for Barbara Allen

She came to him and softly said:

Young man I think you are dying

I am not dying! the young man said

One kiss from you would cure me

One kiss from me you'll never see

Though I thought that you're heart was breaking

Or do you not remember last Sunday night

Out in the ballroom dancing

You danced all night with the village whore

And you slighted Barbara Allen

So she went back to her father's house

And she heard the church bell tolling

And each toll that the bell did ring

Called out for Barbara Allen

Now she'd not gone back so very far

When she saw the funeral coming

Lay down, lay down the corpse she cried

So that I may gaze upon him

Oh father, father, dig my grave

And dig it deep and narrow

A young man died for me today

I shall die for him tomorrow

So they both were buried in the old churchyard

But she was buried higher

And from her grave a red rose grew

And from his grave a brier