Lyrics Frank Turner

Frank Turner

To Absent Friends

Lunchtime Friday, leave work early

Rushing through the suburbs to the station to catch the train

Heading up to town to Dave’s to get my glad rags on

Because lately I’ve been running down, little things catching up

Excuses stretched thin and it’s hard not giving up

Tonight we’re going to get it right, we’re going to have us a good one

And the roll call is missing a name

Since you left things haven’t been the same

But I don’t blame you, there was nothing here to make you stay

But I remember the way that you’d light up a room when you walk in,

The way that you’d lead a crowd when you sing

Jamie, this one is for you.

Pre-club beers at Dan’s before we hit the road

Nicely warmed up, pleasantly half-loaded

Ready for a night on fire, we’re going to get out the big guns

And I run down the numbers, scan through the faces

Run through the plans, scout out the places

I’m electrified, surrounded, but still missing something or someone

I’m wide awake in the cityscape

You did your time out on the road

One day you stayed away for good

You found a home down by the shore

A place to hang your hat and more

You sent me postcards to tell me of

Slowing down and finding love

The thrill has gone from the city life

I’m not far behind

So you can strike my name from the roll call,

When night falls I’m leaving

There is nothing here to make me stay

When I get to the coast I will send back a postcard

To tell all my old friends all about my new start

Jamie I will see you soon.