Lyrics Fred Eaglesmith

Fred Eaglesmith

Soft On My Shoulder

Soft on my shoulder

Sing it to me baby just one more time

Let's pretend that it isn't over

And you're still mine

Let's pretend we're like we used to be

Let's pretend you're still in love with me

Soft on my shoulder

Sing it to me baby just one more time

I know you love another

And there's nothing more that I can do

I know you love another

And tomorrow he'll be here with you

But let's not talk about tomorrow forever

Let's pretend that we're still together

Soft on my shoulder

Sing it to me baby just one more time

I can see the moon slipping away

Into the clouds not far not used to the day

I can see the stars falling from the sky

Tipping their hats

Telling me goodnight

Soft on my shoulder

Sing it to me baby just one more time

Soft on my shoulder

Sing it to me baby just one more time