Lyrics Fredrika Stahl

Fredrika Stahl


Do you rely on destiny

As a god planning in advance?

Or do you believe in your own power

And hope for a bit of chance?

Do you think some people

Are born to succeed, others cursed to faith?

Or would you rather believe

That you are the writer of your fate?

Are we hitch-hikers on an endless road

Choosing where to stop and which path to go?

In that case I want you to grab my hand

And we will no longer have to walk

I promise we will flow

Do you think confrontation pop up

Like a test for you to pass?

Or do you see them as things to avoid

And stick to the green grass?

Do you think beauty

Is a reflection from within?

Or are there just some lucky bastards

That can eat and still be thin?

Are we hitch-hikers on an endless road

Choosing where to stop and which path to go?

In that case I want you to grab my hand

And we will no longer have to walk

I promise we will flow

Do you think some folks are meant for each other

Like there's a single true match?

Or are you just someone that passed my way

And that I was lucky enough to catch?