Lyrics Fredrika Stahl

Fredrika Stahl

Stuck On A Stranger

The record is stuck

On the same old tune

I wish you and I

Could get stuck like it, too

I served you a drink

A dozen of times

Glass after glass

Just to make the night last

With you the time won't stand still

And once you walk out the door

I might not see you anymore

And I have a picture in my mind of which I can't let go

There's you and I

But the rest of the world doesn't show

And I studied every line and mark up on your face

So I can picture you at any time and any place

Your words have meaning, yet no sound

'Cause it drenched in the sun

To which we're bound

You look at me like we share a past

You smoke every cigarette like it was your last

But time won't stand still

And once you walk out the door

I might not see you anymore

And I have a picture in my mind which I can't let go

There's you and I

But the rest of the world doesn't show

And I studied every line and mark up on your face

So I can picture you at any time and any place

Any time at any place

The record is stuck

On the same old tune

Just as I'll always be

Stuck on you