Lyrics Funeral Mist

Funeral Mist

Across The Qliphoth

Across the qlipha burst and break

Descend into formation ye inverted

Creack and shatter what lieth ye ahead

Pour forth as blind madness to bind the flesh

Piece by piece, come ye forth

Ye angels of ecstasy/demons of revelation

To unmask the innermost face of the world unuttered

To reveal the harloty of JHVH

Across the qliphoth, seek ever higher

Ascend from formation, ye wicked

Sweep and swirl through all seven planes

And enter the highest triade

Piece by piece, come thou forth

Thou slithering worm of duality, divine whore

For said thou not; "I am the Alpha and the Omega"?

And are these not the words of a passionate serpent?

Through the crust, penetrate

Swarm ye as insects into the all-mind

And inspire its sun to shine upon a day, when God and Judas are united

I am thy Anubis, open for thy rebirth in flesh

So uphold firmly through me the renewal of all in one quint

Pentamaximus... The holiest of morals, ye pestilence of existence

Summon for the binding of all... to kill the self of God

Across the qliphoth, incarnate

Manifest into being, ye blessed

Corrupt and scatter what lieth ye ahead

Pour forth to unite us with death

Denepo-re eb ot reven... delaes si elcric ehT

Through the crust, penetrate

Swarm ye as insects into the all-mind

And inspire its sun to shine upon a day, when God and Judas are united...

And together crucified