Lyrics Gentle Giant

Gentle Giant


Once I was a boy, an innocent to life and my role in it,

This world played my game, and anyone a clown or foil for myself.

The harmless affairs, and no-one seemed to care for any meaning

My life was my own, The debt I paid, I paid it only to myself.

The unseeing youth, how can it be so shallow and short-sighted

These years passed me by, to realise the folly of these unripe years.

Now I am a man, I realise

My unworldly sins pained many lives

Yet I heard, heard with ears that wouldn't listen

And still I watched and I saw with blinkered eyes.

But with age the conscience slowly dawns

and bonds of duty gently tied

All my sins, seen through now there is experience

and recollecting act in virgin guise.

Master inner voices, making the choices.

Once I could rebel and consequences then had no reflection

And I am a man, And I am bound by adult age discretion
