Lyrics Gilbert O'Sullivan

Gilbert O'Sullivan



the moment I met you

I swear I felt as if something

Somewhere had happened to me

Which I couldn't see.

And then the moment I met you again

I knew in my heart that we were friends

It had to be so it couldn't be no

But try as hard as I might do.

I don't know why you get to me

In a way I can't describe

Words mean so little

When you look up and smile.

I don't care what people say to me

You're more than a child oh Clair


Clair if ever a moment so rare

Was captured for all to compare

That moment is you

in all that you do

But why in spite of our age

Difference do I cry each time I leave you

I feel I could die

Nothing means more to me

Than hearing you say.

I'm going to marry you

Will you marry me Uncle Ray oh Clair


Claire I've told you before don't you dare

Get back into bed can't you see that is late

No you can't have a drink

Oh alright then but wait just a bit

While I in an effort to baby sit

Capture my breath what there is left of it

You can be murder at this hour of the day

But in the morning this hour will seem a life time away

Oh Clair