Lyrics Gilbert O'Sullivan

Gilbert O'Sullivan

How I Say That I Love You

You know I love you what more can I say

Although the words themselves are not my way

For me a kiss that lasts a minute or two

Is how I say that I love you

The tea and toast I bring us up in bed

The pleasure I get when you stroke my head

That I can be there when you use the loo

Is how I say that I love you

And in the end what have we got

If not ourselves then not a lot

My friends they meet a girl and right away

The words I love you are all they can say

That I send flowers with the words guess who

Is how I say that I love you

If meningitis can so easily kill

Surely there are flaws

We're spending millions modifying our food

Could that not be a cause

You know I love you in a special way

Although the words themselves I rarely say

For me it's more than just the things we do

Is how I say that I love you

I found this photo from a few years back

Taken out in Spain

Your hair was longer

But apart from that

You look just the same

You know I love you in my own sweet way

Although the words themselves I rarely say

That I wear most of what you tell me to

Is how I say that I love you

Is how I say that I love you