Flame of Doom

A star outside the galaxies

From the abyss of the universe

Born in the darkness

From non-existing matter

A non-existing star

An icy vacuum

Filled with cold light

The unknown priest noticed the blaze

The light of a star pierced his heart

His eyes saw the blaze of glory

And the sadness of an impenetrable darkness

The cold filled his heart

An impenetrable and unknown will

The words that filled his mouths

Came from the abyss of the universe

The storm is coming

Thunder in the ancient temple

Is it not the same flame

A cold hand has changed its matter

Warriors in the circle

Swore the fidelity

Came from the distant parts of the world

Awakened from the long sleep

Nothing is the same anymore

Soil has changed its colours

Colours of light faded

Thunder filled their hearts

A wind brough the mists

Trees shed the leaves

Words spoken in the unknown languages

Filled the vacuum with cold

And only the star is shining

Piercing the matter with its light

Creating the shadows

Raising on the wings of its magic

Four sides of the world

Hands raised towards the stars

Weaving the luminous cobweb

Shining on the sunny wind