Lyrics Guardians of Time

Guardians of Time

More Than Man


"Why do I have this nagging sense

That this life is not enough time for me to see

All my visions and dreams through?

It can not end the way I am destined to by nature.

My every instinct tells me

That this is not the way I am to end my life.

I must find a new path to overcome this imaginary end

of life.

I will refuse death and find a way to prolong existence

ad infinitum.

I will not accept this limited form of reality that

human societies have made into an irreversible truth!

Man yet not man, who is she?

A stranger on our mother Earth.

Why is she here? What is the task?

Could she be the One?

Heaven sent her down to earth?

Is she a miracle?

More than man is what she will be.

The one who is mighty, this is her dream.

More than human, what is this?

This is Delacroix...

She feels a stranger here, do not know why.

Her visions of the future:

No one has a mind that is their own.

She knows, yet does not.

Can it be a perfect race?

What we all do dream?

Order or chaos, what will she bring?

This one leading many is she/this the dream?

More than man, what will she be? Answer Delacroix...

"Will Delacroix find the path

That humans have searched

And longed for since the first civilisations on earth?

Will mankind be able to cope with the consequences of


Order or chaos? What then?"

Delacroix! She is all beauty.

Let me in, to the family of light!

More than man is what she will be.

The one who is more than man, holding the dream.

Order or Chaos: what will it be? Decide Delacroix!