
Who wouldn't notic the fire in your eyes

Or the bitter direction of impending goodbyes

I'm fallen and folded and wilted in place

At the sight of you standing with streaks down your face

Heartbroke and runnin' from the reason

Heartbroke Don't give up on believin' in me

Heartbroke Who kept me from leavin' with my


Pride is a bitch and a bore when your lonely

Sheer madness prevails upon reason to yield

But all is not lost it is only mistaken

That's small consolation but I know just how you feel

Heartbroke and runnin' from the reason

Heartbroke Don't give up on believin' in me

Heartbroke Who kept me from leavin' with my


Nobody said it was goin' to be easy

We all have feelings that need a softer touch

But nobody said that it would not be worth it

The human condition continues as such

Heartbroke and runnin' from the reason

Heartbroke Don't give up on believin' in me

Heartbroke Who kept me from leavin' with my
