
What are you looking at

What is the matter

Are you that high upon the social ladder

Divide and conquer, you got it right

Just trust the differences between black and white

I wear my uniform, you wear yours too

You may not think so but you don't have a clue

The people who believe they are the rule

Are such exceptional delusional fools


Become colorblind

Defeat, don't define


Time ? nerves inside

Concealed behind vacuous eyes

Tick, tick, ticking me off more

An emotional wreck in the guise of a bore

Wavering on the edge

One last straw shoves me off the ledge

Fall, fall, falling to my surprise

Owing this to my prejudice's demise

I was but blind before, but now I see

What is to become of you and of me

I can't do it alone, and so we flail

And wallow in this world so frazzled and frail