King in exile

I have lived a life of wealth and splendor

Anything I wanted I could easily buy

(Locked away) from the games that you play

(Beg beg) every minute of every day

(Day to day) I'm carefree that's more than you can say

Much more than you can say

Prince to pauper was my decision

Discarding everything I had ever owned

(Take a look) where's m yself respect?

(In exile) with all of my worries

(I don't care) if I'm a burden to society


Proclaiming selfish, careless freedom

You're blind to the worth of life!

There's pride to be found in accomplishing

Something you've strived for!

So try and redefine your outlook!

Get a job! Get a job!

It just might save your life!

Get a job! Get a job! Get a job!

Get a job! Get a job! Get a job!

You worthless slob!