Lyrics Hammers of Misfortune

Hammers of Misfortune

The Trial And The Grave

Was it a dream?

Was it in Hell?

What is the difference?

I scarcely can tell

Is it just I

Or the world

That's gone mad?

This Vision insane, I'll explain, that I had...

Mourning for something

Something I've never known

I Search for a headstone

A Plot with a marker

But what did I find

In time?

Nothing but a blindness inside

And golden birds in the clouds of my eyes

Then a ghostly waif did arrive

And demanded:

"Who will love or listen to me now?

What lost urchin searches for my poor disfigured ghost?"

And so a Grave I did find

In time

Not one of the dead

But voices echoing in my head

They said:

Standing condemned

The trial commenced

None to defend her and no evidence

Vaguely aware Of her hands in their chains

Heedless of all that the chamber contained

The sentence was passed

The barristers laughed

When they had killed her they cut her in half

When golden birds flew

Out from her severed halves

They trapped them to sell to the gathered riff-raff

All the ghosts had gone unnoticed there

They haunted

Every corner of the court and

Outside in the square they waited

Golden feathers now in their tin cages

Waving farewell to the shades as they brought her to

This place where only memories can breathe

She sits sewn together and scarcely bereaved

Unheard she sings an unearthly lament

And no one on earth seems to know where she went