Lyrics Handsome Boy Modeling School

Handsome Boy Modeling School

Father Speaks

Handsome boy modeling school is the best sixty dollars you ever spend

if it wasnt for Prince paul and Automator I would not be the model I am today

And I would not have the confidence to go to the Handsome boy modeling school

Move yourself up in the world go to Handsome boy modeling school

Sixty dollars you wont be sorry for long

Handsome boy modeling school is the best sixty dollars I ever spent

If you got sixty dollars left in your pocket go to Handsome boy modeling school.

You won't be sorry for long

Prince paul and Automator made me the model I am today.

Wasn't for Prince paul and Automator i would be modeling in albania or some balkan country....


Haha ok

If it wasn't for Prince paul and Automator I would not be the model I am today.... and hopefully tomorrow


Handsome boy modeling school gave me the confidence to be a model, if it wasn't for them, I would still have sixty dollars

Prince paul and automator made me the best model on the runway in all the balkan countries put together