Lyrics Hank Locklin

Hank Locklin

Happy Birthday To Me

Today has been my birthday

And tonight I should be glad

But you weren't here to share it

And inside I've hurt so bad

I didn't want your presence

Just your kiss and company

And your lips to softly whisper

Happy birthday to me

But I came home all by myself

And lit the candle

Made a wish for you

And love that used to be

I unwrapped the tiny package

That I bought myself

Then I sang

"Happy birthday to me"

I thought for sure you sent me

At least a birthday card

But the postman didn't even stop

When he passed by my yard

You could have telephone

And ease a lot of misery

Instead I called myself and said

"Happy birthday to me"

And I came home all by myself

And lit the candle

Made a wish for you

And love that used to be

I unwrapped the tiny package

That I bought myself

Then I sang

"Happy birthday to me"