Lyrics Hank Locklin

Hank Locklin

I Forgot To Live Today

My key turns in the lock and I opened my front door

Greeted by the darkness like too many times before

I tiptoe in to kiss the children but they're all asleep

Wonder if they're dreaming about the date I didn't keep

It was such a busy day I just couldn't get away

Cause you gotta make it while you can

So I remember dollar bills business deals and headache pills

But I forgot to live today I forgot to live today

As I dressed for bed I think about today

Wonder what I got for all the time I gave away

Traded my time for a dollar bill didn't see the sky but I saw the mill

Couldn't go to Jeannie's play missed Timmy's ballgame yesterday

Mary had to go for both of us

While I remember dollar bills business deals and headache pills

But I forgot to live today I forgot to live today

Born with all the time I'll ever see each day another part slips away from me

But I forgot to live today

I slip into bed and I kiss my Mary's cheek

I can tell she's crying and I know she's not asleep

I listen to the clock tick away another night

And swear that tomorrow I'll make everything right

I'll remember building kites mending dolls and broken bikes

Flowers from the woman in my life

And I remember who I love more than all the stars above

Cause I forgot to live today I forgot to live today