Lyrics Hank Locklin

Hank Locklin

Rich And The Poor

Sometimes I get so lonely and I don't know what to do

Though there's people all around me still I feel so sad and blue

Then I heard your happy laughter as though an angel were to sing

And I knew that I was bankrupt and you were wealthy as a king

My heart's so cold and lonely that I live in poverty

Your heart's so warm and lovin' you are richer more than me

Won't you share your precious laughter you're so rich in happiness

Lend your love to one who needs it and your share will not grow less

A wealth you have to offer can't be bought with wordly gold

The love that gold can purchase is kinda bit and oh so cold

I am just a beggar pleading for a smile from you

Lend your love to one who needs it won't you make me wealthy too