Lyrics Hank Thompson

Hank Thompson

The New Wears Off Too Fast

To someone new you're about to go

But after the Charm has passed

You'll come back because I know the new wears off too fast.

You're like a Kid with a brand new toy

But the luster just won't last,

Your latest love is a passing joy

'Cause the new wears off too fast

You find a fascination

In loving someone new

They draw you like a magnet

And then you say "we're through!"

The love you thought was pure as gold

Was just as cheap as brass

I knew his love would soon grow old

'Cause the new wears off too fast

You say you found another one

Who's really in your class

But you'll find he's not your kind

'Cause the new wears off too fast

All that glitters is not gold

Gems alone, don't flash,

Your one-time thing is a passing fling

'Cause the new wears off too fast

You find a fascination

In loving someone new

They draw you like a magnet

And then you say "we're through!"