Lyrics Hannah Fury

Hannah Fury

I Can't Let You In

Fiyero, don't tell a soul what you've seen

This is the life that you and I are meant to lead

I can't let you in, 'cause the world is falling to pieces

I can't let you in, 'cause the world is falling to pieces

Fiyero, don't tell a soul a word we speak

I need to know, if I don't make it home, you won't look for me

I can't let you in, 'cause the world will tear us to pieces

I can't let you in, 'cause the world will tear us to pieces

Don't even let them hear you breathe

I'll never see you again, 'cause the world has torn you to pieces

And don't you dare deceive destiny

Her for you, but you for me

And don't you dare deceive destiny

Her for you, but you for me

Her for you, but you for me

For me