Watch Over Me

She wakes and takes her place in line

And never bothers to ask why the mirror sheds no light at all

The days turn into lesser days until there's only night

The light it wouldn't help she's too far gone

Her time is up it's five o'clock

It never stops

And she says please, and she says please

And she says please, watch over me

I watch her slowly make her way

Down on a road she shouldn't take

She always ends where she began

The years go by, they're adding up

She clicks her heels but she's still stuck

She's giving in but won't give up she'll never stop

And she says please, and she says please

And she says please, watch over me

And she says please, and she is,

On her knees and she begs and she pleads

Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na na na

She counts the time 'til her heart breaks

Just waiting for her next mistake

And I said please, and she says please

And she says please, watch over me

On her knees and she begs and she pleads she says

Please, and she says please and she says please watch over me

She counts the time 'til herr heart breaks

Just waiting for her next mistake

Don't give up i know you've stopped believing

And you're down and you're begging you're pleading

Don't give up cause you're not too far gone