Lyrics Harry Belafonte

Harry Belafonte

Move It

The storm clouds have gathered

The young lions prowl

Prowl outside your precious metal wall

The children of your sheep

Have begun to growl

And your diamond barricade is soon to fall

We see our babies starving at the edges

of your feast

But still you're holding fast to all your lies

A new rage is rising that your torture cannot kill

And now the time has passed for compromise

You killed the truth at Sharpville

You crushed the voice of peace

Now everyday a bitter anger grows

The young gangs prepare for war their fear burned in

the flame

You Lilly white will be a blood red rose

The liberation funerals, the terror in the streets

The wounds that you refused to let us heal

The madness of your method

Has brought a white hot heat

Your fire of hate is forging hearts of steel

Homeless in our homelands

Aliens in our own lands

Hungry men with gold dust on our shoes

Our patience and our sanity

Has now turn into rage

The rage of souls with nothing left to lose

Move it

Move it

Move it