The Volga's Veins

What founts of light are breaking forth

Streaming up this winter sky?

The night's hiding her silver crown

What fires in thy cold bosom dwell?

A glorious wonder to the Raven's eye

There's always silence above the Volga

As corpses decorate her waves

The silent stars over frozen graves

Watch as darkness merges to her silhouette

On a frigid night cold blood flows

In Volga's Veins

In tribulation

As silver meadows bear witness

to the cannons' cry

Through the frost lie corpses exposed

The Volga's vein

Pulsating arrow of the land

Blood-spangled face of Mother to the graveyards

With birds of pray circling above the shallow tombs

Charred birches drown in dust

Frozen graves in thousand forms and thousand ways

Stars severed down, the stretching

blaze scorched the fields

Hungry faces fed with bombs

All dignity is raped

Armies drown in icy waves their pride wrecked

And burned behind

Heard the priest with madness in his voice

Choke out his decree

In the fields of pandemonium

On blood soaked ground

There's no land beyond the Volga

And sadness above her restless head

As fighting rages in her chest

And Kremlin gives order to destroy

At any cost

Blood red foam

Foreys Volga's veins

In conflagration

As silver meadows bear witness to the cannons'cry

Through the frost sleep corpses exposed

the Volga's vein

Pulsating arrow of the land

Blood-spangled face of Mother to the graveyards

With birds of pray circling above the shallow tombs

In tribulation

Silver birches die

Drowning in dust...