
The afternoon light was reaching down to the site

As my old love stared

Into the fire with her new love there

Camping up north; the same place we shared

Behind the van they heard crushing of land

And they looked to see

A grizzly bear lurking amongst the trees

Searching their ground for something to eat

From what I've been told, my old love just froze

But her man got scared

He started to run, thinking she had begun

But he left her there, alone in the woods with the bear

So the bear all surprised looking right into her eyes

And decided that

She was it's prey or some kind of threat

So it followed it's instincts to deal with it

It charged right towards her and stopped just before her

And stood up high

Swiped at her shoulder and dragged her by the torso

Around the site

And that's how my old love died

If I'd been there I wouldn't have run from the bear,

That's the worst mistake

I would've yelled and banged pots

And made sure my love wasn't taken that way