Trinity of Heresy

In the folds of black sleep

I am and will always be

Boundless as a starless sky

There is no end for me

Body of rebellion

The light has been vanquished

Everything around you

Engulfed in my darkness

Father of tragedies

The son of atrocities

The ghost of eternal lies

Trinity of heresy

Bringer of disease

Messiah of persecution

Harborer of suffering

I’m the final retribution

Angel of the pit

Tempter of mankind

I’ve been known by many names

Not one of them divine

I have yearned for your crown of thorns

I’ve caressed the face of your pain

Judgment past for the lonely and forlorn

I am seen through your eyes of disdain

My love for you was despised

Only emptiness hears my cries

I am shame, unholy entity

I am blasphemy, hate for eternity

I am the poison nectar

You eagerly consume

I am the soul collector

Festering in your womb

A mocker of what is holy

Defier of the righteous

The epitome of disgrace

The worldly God who took your place