Dotyk ohňa

sklonte hlavy ludske tvory smrtelne,

pred ziarou rannej zory, ktorou plamene

horia svatym ohnom nad vychode krajom,

kolesom svaroga na veky vekov,

slava bohom!

dotyk ohna, vola bohov, zbori svet a spali v prach,

bo oni drzia v rukach osud, vietor, hromy, bleskov ziar,

vam co ste padli v boji, vo velkom tryzneni

kracali bok po boku v bojovom besneni,

patri vecna slava dazbogovho rodu,

patri vecny zivot v perunovom vojsku,

slava bohom!

pribehy slavy su uz len tienom,

prastary odkaz, slabnucim plamenom,

malo nas, malo, dazbogovych vnukov,

co dotyk ohna vyviedol z radov...


dotyk ohna, vola bohov, zbori svet a spali v prach,

bo oni drzia v rukach osud, vietor, hromy, bleskov ziar

Translation: Touch of the Fire

submit your heads,mortal human beings

front of the blaze of morning zora

flames are burnin in holy fire,up above eastern regions,

by svarog's wheel forever and ever,

glory gods!

the touch of the fire and the will of lords can raze the world and burn to dust,

as they hold fate,wind,thunders and lighting in their hands

you,who were killed in war,in heavy rughing

and walked side by side i martial rage,

eternal fame of dazbog's tribe belongs to you,

and never ending life in perun's army,

glory gods!

tales of glory are just an umbrage

archaic legacy,failing torch,

there are only a few of us,dazbog's children

that were led out from blind men's row

the touch of the fire and the will of lords can raze the world and burn to dust,

as they hold fate,wind,thunders and lighting in their hands