Lyrics I the Breather

I the Breather


Take a stand, Maybe even a care

Nuisance, make your way from my head

Causing all the Trial and Tribulation

Reach out to me, and let me show you my savior

Illuminate the stars

I've prepared a place beyond what you can imagine

We can't ever fill space with time we don't have

It only gets better from here

Take a stand, Maybe even a care

Nuisance make your way from my head

Take a stand, Maybe even a care

Let's go! Guide me in the paths

Forefathers took before me

Try so hard to impress everyone in the future

Nobody really cares about our past

Oh, Brother open your eyes

I know its hard but you have to fight

The world is a scary place

But knowing you makes me feel so safe

Be my way, My Truth and My Light