Lyrics Icons of Filth

Icons of Filth

Brain Death

Just another birth, another life

Another brain to screw up and nullify to help achieve

your aim

Another minds growth stunted and then filled up with


Never asked for life but he'll have to learn to live

with it

She'll have to learn to live with it

We'll have to learn to live in shit

Better hurry to the theatre because mummy's got pains

Daddy's got the day off work it's been eating at his


Will it be male or female? Got to give the poor sod a


Blue for boys and pink for girls

Does it matter what colour the chains?

Labeled and divided, defined from the start

Mummy & Daddy tore you and me apart

First oppression began before we were born at all

Brain death began before our first years at school

If you do what's told and get it right

They use you as their tool

Do it wrong, refuse to play no part.

They make an example out of you

Twist a few brains, tan some hides

Tell your parents you're a fool

then they wonder just where the hell they went wrong

with you

School just fucks your brain

What you learn if for their gain

What you learn is preparation to uphold our precious


Fight to get a good position

Shit on others and the system loves you

Mom and Pop can brag about you

Life is just a fucking conspiracy

So don't be surprised if you don't "make it in life"

Capitalism requires big divisions between people

It's guaranteed that vast amounts of people get shit on

All governments require this state of degradation

Anarchy involves equal consideration for all

What the fuck have you against that?

I won't scrub your fucking floors, won't fight in your

pathetic wars

Won't sign because I can't see the clause

Why should I compete?

I won't kiss your feet

You can't buy me

Fuck off