Lyrics Idina Menzel

Idina Menzel



Hey, hey, ain't it some surprise?

How the years will slip on past you

How the time just flies

Then behold, you're older, bolder and

Much wiser than before

Ain't that some surprise


They're at the door!




If you're not drinking

Then something’s new


It’s nothing really

I can't tell you


You're on the wagon

Or else

Oh jeez


Keep your voice down

Lucas, please


You haven't told Josh?


Don't know what to say


You better think quick then,

He’s minutes away


There's too many people

And that's just as well


Um, Josh is a doctor

They can often tell


Oh, hell

Hey, um, thanks for the surprise!

Let's go party on therooftop

Underneath the skies


Move in with me. Officially.


It just seems so traditional


Hey, hey, ain't it some surprise?

Babe, you're in a real-life couple

Try that on for size

You can fear it, dear, it’s clear it’s not

About to go away

Ain't that some surprise?


Ain't this some surprise,

it feels okay


Well, hey


No more surprises

No men to kiss

I might want children

But not like this

He thinks he loves me

And I know it’s not true

No more surprises

God, what to do?


What do you want right now?


I want that job.

I want to give it everything I have


No more surprises

Your life’s on track


I'm moving forward

I won't go back


So let your heart win

And let the doubt be gone

[Elena & Beth:]

No more surprises


I'm moving on


Liz! So sorry I'm late

I missed the surprise, didn't I?


Not entirely

I'm pregnant


Wow, wow, that is some surprise


Yeah, your teeny-tiny swimmers

They're determined little guys


It could be that we should see this through

It might mean that – it might


It’s just such a surprise


It still feels right


I think she told him


I think she did. Marry me




Hey hey ain't it some surprise

After all this time together

I look into your eyes

[Kate & Anne:]

And I see what we can be if we

Step up and say “I do.”

Ain't it some surprise?


I do love you


And I love you


Hey – hey – ain't it some surprise

Hey – hey – ain't it some surprise

Hey – hey – ain't it some

Hey – hey – ain't it some

Hey – hey – ain't it some

[Elizabeth (The Rest):]

At thirty-nine, ev’rything changes

(surprise! Surprise!)

I'm older but hardly more wise

(Hey, hey ain't it some surprise)

And just when you think you're on course

(Hey, hey ain't it some surprise)

The sea starts to rise

(Hey, hey ain't it some)

And from clear blue skies

(Hey, hey ain't it some)


Marry me


Marry me



