Reek of Putrefaction
Snorting the stench of latent effluvium
And maturing damp fumes
This foul menage forces tears to your eyes
As the corpse's gas are exhumed....
Intoxicated by foul body odours
And the nauseating tepid whiff
Pinching your nostrils as you irrigate flatus
From the emaciated stiff...
Volatile entrails fume and steam
As they're meticulously hacked during discission
Evaporating sludge and bubbling pus -
A rotten gaseous expiration...
Maturating corpse, the stale smell of decay and rot
- A sickening asphyxiation
Gross remains gush, innards turn to sludge
- With partial liquefaction...
Smell the rot...
Of the corrupted corpse....
Hallucinogenic trip...
Tissue gases leak - a warm, unpleasant reek
A quite macabre addiction
Deteriorated, bloated corpse - decomposure burning hot
Sniff the smell of carrion...