A Fiery Frost

It´s midnight and sleep dosen´t come

Light of the month, s´get in your in sight

Ideas wandering round poor mind

It makes you get up, it makes you live second life

Hot blood, sweet blood

Fire in heart, frost in eyes

My other self cry and wants to get out

Importunate voice rumbles in your head

You own to drink you thrilly want

Nothing gonna stop you

In morning, hen you wake up, you feel well

You don´t remember Terst of the night

Then your see your hands

A blood behind your nails it changes all

Hot blood, sweet blood

Fire in heart, frost in eyes

On the other day,

You settle with a person

Who grows up in yourself,

And who´ll swallow you uo at the end

The midnight´s hunt, your sole passion

Massacred bodies, your art

Fire in eyes, frost in a heart

Crazy brain, growing frant!!