Crown The Liar

Believe in the liar

His words will convey

Profound and charismatic

Influence all to his soul

Tell them what they want to hear

Keep the wolves at bay

Swallow all the truth

And spit deception out

Together we’ll pave the way

To his omnipotence

Calming all dissension

Dissuading intervention

Hiding sanity – strangling reason

Remove his wicked tongue – or face the consequence

Divide and conquer uproot and tear down

The world is his

Provide the cause cause the effect

Create the hatred

Extort our passions extort our strengths

Force our hand

Distort our vision distort your promise blinding glory

Undo the world – unleash its fury

Release our demons – infect us all with your venom

We saw it coming and watched him rise

We did nothing to stop this mess

A fool’s kingdom, a fool’s king

We raised the liar and crowned the beast

The lives of many on the heels of victory

Will know defeat

He led us blindly so blind in anger

We could not see

The cries of reason so loud their cries

Fell on deaf ears

We’ll bear the scars and take the pain

For one more day