In Service To His Madness

Dies irae ad portas

Anno regni Deus Ex Machina (Invictus)

Pia fraus habemus

Papam dementat

Victor servorum dei

Fiction of a new false prophecy

Rebirth of an ancient fallacy

Speak softly for it is heresy

To utter a word without invoking His name

Fear of a faceless god

We’ll cast the martyr aside

Red queen in a white hat

Fear taking the crown

In service to His Madness we will all be forced to kneel

Before an earthly throne of flesh and bone

A world beyond the pale

Behold the ascent of treachery

Bow down to his mystic legacy

Blind faith is the name of tyranny

A curtain of rot to hide a mountain of shame

Fear is a fragile god

We’ll take your terror away

Dead souls in a dead world

Fear serving his will

In service to His Madness we will all be forced to kneel

Before an earthly throne of flesh and bone

Til sanity prevails

Follow me

Into disease

We’ll watch the world burning down

In service to His Madness

A walking corpse you’ll be

A piece of papal property

Thinking with only one mind you will waste away

A pawn in a masquerade

Sun and moon align setting fire to the sky

A whisper in the darkness telling you it’s time to die

You look me in the eye with a whimper and a cry

As the iron fist falls on you