
Too much hypocrisy in this old southern town for me

Way back in 1619 began this tragic story

Thrown into slavery stand the crime was the color of skin

Never to see the light of the past again

R: I wanna go where the mountains are high enough to echo my song

I wanna go where the rivers run deep enough to drown my shame

I wanna go where the stars shine bright enough to show me the way

I wanna go where the winds call my name

The winds are calling India India India

It's a typical Savannah day

So I take my guitar to the park and I play

Sitting up under the live oak trees

The strangest spirit came over me

Is this the tree where my brother was hung?

Is this the ground where is body was burned?

God gave to me the gift of song so I dedicate this one


Superiority, prove how you better than me

Wasting precious time on racist mentality

This is only the beginning

the flesh will be pushing up daisies in the ending

Spirit knows no color either you're a hater or a lover
