Lyrics Indigo Girls

Indigo Girls

Rise Up

Dog at the window still looks all day never gets her fill

Cause a glance means a chance to break the birds out congregating

I have seen a look like that you licked your chops from where you sat

Make your kill for a thrill and you don't mind waiting

Rise up your dead, there's life in the old girl yet

Rise up your dead

When it bums you out, all the hunters sprung to pounce

And at best it's a mess like a nest infested

You remember there's more than this

There always was and always is

Tend the artist in your charges, you are full invested

And if you need to, read your mindless mag

Call me up for tickets, we'll go see Sugarland

And it gets better even when it's been a drag

Just move to the music, move your body to the band and

Rise up