To A Bond

To a bond underneath

Bridge between two trees

Both blowing leaves into that great ravine

You came swimming with me

I like how you swim

You do it with ease, you do it with ease

Then an oar came down

Struck that water, bad luck struck us down

Bruised, removed you, brought you to shore

Before they came for you

Then I watched you disappear

Dripping bloodstained footsteps smear

Don't let the bleeding stop

It's everything you've got

In a body undergoing night surgery

Enemy wants to cut into me

I escaped in the nick of time

Centipede floats by on a leaf

I like how it floats

It does it with ease, it does it with ease

Then I saw you on the ledge

Talked you down, talked your ear off then

We walked around till you had to leave

To catch a train at 10

And gone around the bend

But bound like Chinese feet

Don't go unraveling, traveling into the blue

Returned to look for you

Couldn't say goodbye

The porch light in my heart

Had gone out, had gone out in the dark

Had gone out in the dark

Had gone out in the dark

Had gone out in the dark like flies

Had gone out in the dark like flies

Had gone out in the dark like, ooh