Lyrics Jackie Greene

Jackie Greene

Emily's In Heaven

I was half asleep when I heard the news, sad words on the phone

I just couldn't believe my ears, I couldn't believe she's gone

I tried to make some sense of it, but sense I could not make

How a girl like her could go like that it must be some mistake

Well I'd known her since forever, or as far back as I go

She always had an answer for the things I didn't know

She never hurt anybody, never did them wrong

she walked to the tune of life teaching everyone the song

Now Emily's in Heaven, and I'm awake in bed

Sometimes how I wish, the Good Lord took me instead

But I guess the good die young and life just isn't fair

But Emily's in Heaven she'll be waiting for me there

Eleven different doctors and not one had a clue

They rushed her to emergency but there was nothing they could do

They said she had a weak heart, she'd always been that way

I said she just gave too much of it away

Now Emily's in Heaven, and I'm awake in bed

Sometimes how I wish, the Good Lord took me instead

But I guess the good die young and life just isn't fair

But Emily's in Heaven she'll be waiting for me there

We laid her down for peaceful sleep, time was standing still

Everybody said a prayer on top of moonlight hill

I said goodbye with a rose how she loved them so

Then I turned away, tried not to cry and did my best to go