Psycho Next Door

Tribal was a tongue known to us well

Given by a doctor, a prescription from Hell

Little did he know of the growth in my brain

Scratching from the inside, driving me, driving me insane

Said the nymph on the wall, he has a red eye

The trouble is a-brewing, said the mosh is on the way

Down on the bayou over toward the lily

Sits a homosexual frog looking rather silly

Doctor, doctor, where you gonna go

Doctor, doctor, who you gonna blow

Bend over please

Doctor, doctor, who you gonna know

Doctor, doctor, who you gonna blow

Bend over please

Strap her to the chair, let’s make an affair

Pull the hammer of the hour to frazzle her hair

She whimpers like a puppy, and her eyes out they pop

Imagine my surprise when she asked me to stop

Don’t we all know bout midnight, nasty Alice tries to score

Take her to your dreams, knock her up in the floor

Blaming is like lying, not enough going down

Got her from the backside, bitch gives birth to a clown

So this is my story, a story of living hell

Tell it from my brain, deep inside my hell

Warden blue, he beats me when his wife doesn’t give

But the masochistic mother, the one who lets me live