Three Voices Of Fate

MacBeth, MacBeth, beware MacDuff

Beware the Thane of Fife. Enough!


Where didst thou leave? Yet give warn

Why fear MacDuff? I need hear more!

Ye Macbeth you're kingship will stay

Til Birnam wood shall meet Dunsinane


Live on MacDuff, why should I fear

You too must die, My guilt to clear

I am MacBeth! I will stand strong! And forever reign

Laugh in the face of men who come to slay thee

No one of woman born may lay hands against thee

(MacBeth spoken)

"Then I will slay MacDuff and his family anon"

I am MacBeth, none will defy, even MacDuff

I seal a bond to rid this earth the name MacDuff


Time is now to strike his family down

I hear MacDuff has left them all alone

No talk of murders and dead

Retain the crown upon my head

I am Mac Beth. All testify I will survive

I crush the words those who defy. None left alive