City of angels, city of stars

Well, she shined brightest on that boulevard

She introduced me to Jackson Brown

Convertible rode me all over that town

Oh, my LAX

She always carried a Polaroid camera

She always had that Kodak glamour

Well, she moved out there to chase her dream

To be an actress on that silver screen

Oh, my LAX

Well, dear seventy degrees and sunny

Please hold tight to my California honey

Make her famous with lots of money

And tell her I wish her all the best

Oh, my LAX

Nag Champa and marijuana

I close my eyes and I can smell it on her

Boarding a plane back to Tennessee

I wonder if she's ever gonna think about me

Well, dear palm trees and palm readers

Tattoo artist and make believers

Please tell her next time you see her

That I sure wish her all the best

Oh, my LAX

Oh, my LAX