Lyrics James LaBrie

James LaBrie


I lay awake

I'm feeling weak

Not sure I can go on

Please take me far

There's nothing I can give

All I had is gone

Buildings fell

Stealing people's dreams

A way of life

Guess we don't fit

Fit their plans

Familiar streets

Familiar sites

Places where friends meet

It's been a while

So much has changed since then

The future seems so bleak

Nothing stands

All's been lost

They silence our despair

Keep your cool

World is watching you

Act as though you care

Buildings fell

Stealing people's dreams

A way of life

Guess we don't fit

Fit their plan

Watched so many of my

Loved ones fall today

It's like I'm standing here

With all of my past erased

The man I have become

Is not walking away

It is the memories

That makes the man you see

Buildings fell

Stealing people's dreams

A way of life

Guess we don't fit

Fit the plan

Our buildings burn

Can't comprehend

The loss surrounding me

And does it end

When no one's left to bleed