Sunflakes Fall, Snowrays Call

It is the winter time of year

A time for all my troubled thought dreams to come clear

And all the seasons I held dear

Seem to have gone and left me 'lone with winter only here

Lonely, forever dreaming

My life is teeming with yearning, I'd like to be learning

And it's summer out on the streets

Sunflakes fall, snowrays call

Hey Mama, It's me saying "awww"

A policeman walks a most solitary beat

I feel at odds with the summer time

Ice is in my heart and winter's in my mind

I watch the snow upon my blinds

As people walk in shorts and sandals everywhere outside

Lonely, forever hiding

Caught in the icy hide of winter, outside it's warm and sunlight glimmers

And it's summer out on the streets

Sunflakes fall, the snowrays call

Hey Mama, It's me saying "awww"

A policeman walks a most solitary beat

Oh when days are marked by winter's time

Spring and summer counts come racing to my mind

Within my heart the seasons never coincide

At times I hate and curse the world for making winter mine.

Lonely, forever dreaming

My life is teeming with yearning, I'd like to be learning

And it's summer out on the streets

Sunflakes fall, the snowrays call

Hey Mama, It's me saying "awww"

A policeman walks a most solitary beat