Sacred Disciple Wannabe

You're burnin' me - you're burnin' me

You're a sacred disciple wannabe

You're playing the fool now you're wearing those clothes

You're dressing for him - "How could you do it?"

Don't you feel shame for giving in

Don't you feel shame - oh well I knew it...

Well I knew it was coming - I was ready for it

When you jumped ... to his every beck and call

Want to get on your feet again

Get back up on your feet

I was crying for you then

Your good heart turning cheap...

He's the black in the cave -

"His red women are Dracula's brides..."

But to call him a vampire will only "romanticize"

So let's call him the junkman - the corrupt man

Now let's see him for what he really is - Charon who'll

take you..

. Across the River Styx

Yeah he'll take you to the other side

And you won't find your peace

Yeah he'll take you to the other side...

As he watches you bleed...

For your good heart - I was crying

For your good heart - I was crying

Oh your good heart - turnin' cheap