The Golden Boy & The Prodigal

There are two sides to every person

Like the two sides of a dime

Heads or tails it depends upon

Who's watching at the time

Though I hate to say it

Mine is no exception

One part is the prodigal

The other part: deception

Like the prince and the pauper

Like Jacob and his brother

Each hide a different heart

Each a shadow of the other

Me and my doppelganger

Both share the same blood

One I have hated

The other have I loved

One of them's the Golden Boy

The man I'd like to be I show him off in the parades

For all the world to see

The other is much weaker

He stumbles all the time

The source of my embarrassment

He's the one I try to hide

The Golden boy is made of straw

His finest suit will surely burn

His vice is the virtue

That he never had to earn

The prodigal's been broken

And emptied at the wishing well

But he's stronger for the breaking

With a story to tell

I'm not easy with confessions

It's hard to tell the truth

But I have favored the golden boy

While the other I've abused

And he takes it like a man

Though he's longing like a child

To be loved and forgiven

And share the burden for awhile

So take a good look in the mirror

Tell me who you see

The one who Jesus died for

Or the one you'd rather be

Can you find it in your heart

To show mercy to the one

The Father loved so much

That he gave his only son...