Lyrics Jason Robert Brown

Jason Robert Brown

Hear My Song

Child, I know you're weary

And your eyes want to close

The days are getting longer

We're not getting any stronger

Trust me,

Mama knows

But lie in my arms while you're sleeping

And think of the rivers you've crossed

I'll tell you the dreams I've been keeping

For moments like this

When your hope is lost

Hear my song

It'll help you believe in tomorrow

Hear my song

It'll show you the way you can shine

Hear my song

It was made for the time

When you don't know where to go

Listen to the song that I sing

You'll be fine

Child, I know you're frightened

And your throat's parched and dry

But just trust in Mama's singing

And the gift tomorrow's bringing

Trust it, don't ask why

Just lie in my arms

And I'll tell you

The things that you know but forget

The lies no one ever could sell you

I know that it's hard

But don't give up get

Hear my song

It'll help you believe in tomorrow

Hear my song

It'll show you the way you can shine

Hear my song

It was made for the times

When you don't know where to go

Listen to the song that I sing

You'll be fine

Cause I'll be singing

Hold on

Hold tight

I know it's dark right now

But just believe somehow

That soon there will be light

Hold on

Hold fast

That's not enough for some

But trust the light will come

And we'll get past

You and Mama

Safe at last

Hear my song

It'll help us get through til tomorrow

Hear my song

It'll help us survive all the pain

Hear my song

It's the one thing I have

That has never let you down

Listen to the song that I sing

Listen to the words in my heart

Listen to the hope I can bring

And you'll start to grow

And shine

Listen to the song that I sing

And trust me

We'll be fine

A new world calls across the ocean...