Lyrics Jason Upton

Jason Upton

A Better Way

You Came... To Lead Us To Our Father

You Came... To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus,

Help Us Not To Forget Why You Came

You Came, In The Midst Of The World Ambitions

You Came, In The Midst Of Religious Ambitions

You Came, In The Opposite Spirit Of Man Lord

You Came And You Showed Us A Holy Way

Ohh, You Showed Us A Better Way

Showed Us The Better Way

Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh, You Showed Us A Better Way

You Said, " I Wanna Show You A Better Way "

And You Took Upon Yourself Oh GOD All Our Rejection

And You Took Upon Yourself Oh GOD All Of Our Ambition

And You Held Upon Yourself All Of Our Anger

And You Took Upon Yourself The Anger Of Our Tradition


But You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way


You Came, You Showed Us A Better Way

How Many Times Oh Jesus Could You Have Turned To Us

And Rejected With Our Rejection

How Many Times Did, You Could Of Turned To Us

And Beat Us With Our Beating

How Many Times Ohh Jesus Did You Turn The Other Cheek

Look At Us Oh God With Your Eyes Of Love

I Wanna Show You A Better Way

Ohh Jesus

You Came, You Came To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus You Came, Came To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus You Came, Came To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

The Way That Leads, That Leads To Life

Ohh, Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh, The Way That Leads To Our Father

You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

A Way That Leads Us To Healing

You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

A Way That Leads To Life

You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah

You Came To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus, Ohh Sweet Jesus

You Came, And You Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah Yeah

You Came, Showed Us A Better Way

We Brought You Our Ashes Ohh Jesus

Right Before Our Eyes, You Showed Us Beauty Ohh Jesus

Brought You Ashes Ohh Jesus, You Gave Us Beauty Ohh Jesus

Ohh, You Came, To Show Us The Better Way

We Brought You Rejection Ohh Jesus, Ohh Jesus

You Gave Us Acceptance Ohh Jesus

Ohh Yeah

Ohh Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus You Came, Show Us A Better

Ohh Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Ohh

You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

Jesus, You, You, You, You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

We Brought Our Ambition To You Jesus

Brought Our Ambition To You Jesus

Brought Vain Ambition To You Jesus

And You Turned, You Turn It Into Friendship

Oh Jesus You Turned It, You Turned It Into Friendship

We Brought Our Ambition To You Jesus

And You Turned It Into Friendship

Our Vain Ambition For You Ohh Jesus

You Turn It Around, You Turn It Into Friendship

You Brought Your Majesty Ohh Jesus

You Turned It Into Relationship

We Put You Up There Ohh Jesus

And You Turned It Around And Came And Washed Our Feet

You Came To Wash Our Feet

Ohh Jesus You Came, To Show Us A Better

Ohh Sweet Jesus, You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,

You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus, Ohh Jesus, You Came And You Showed Me A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,

You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Ohh Yeah, Ohh Yeah,

And You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

The Way That Leads To The Father

The Way That Leads Us To Healing

Ohh, The Way That Leads To Life Eternal

Ohh You Came, You Came To Show Us A Better Way, A Better Way

Ohh You Came, You Showed Me A Better Way

You Said Come, Come With Me

Come, Come With Me

I've Got Secrets, I Want You To See

Come Over With Me, Come Over With Me

And Come, Come With Me, Come, Come With Me

I Wanna Take You To The Other Side

Wanna Take You To THe Other Side

Come, Wont You Come With Me

Ohh, We Kept Turning Your Eyes To The Crowds

Ohh, We Kept Turning Your Eyes To The Massives

Ohh, You Kept Turning Our Eyes To The Hills

Turning Our Eyes To The Hills

And You Kept Saying, Ohh, I Come To Show You A Better Way

Ohh, Yeah, We Kept Turning Your Eyes To Man

Ohh, To Vain Tradition, To Religion

You Kept Turning Our Eyes To The King

You Kept Turning Our Eyes To The Father, Father, Father

Ohh You Came, You Came To Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

You Came, Ohh You Showed Us A Better Way


You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, You Came And You Showed Us A Better Way

And There You Are Again By The Sea Side

Then You See Jesus Step By The Sea Side

Your Getting In A Boat To Go To The Other Side

You Said, " Come With Me, Come With Me, Come With Me, Come With Me

I Wanna Take, Take You, Take You To The Better Way "

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,

I Wanna Take, Take You To The Better Way

To The Secret Place, To The Hiding Place

Ohh, More Than In Our Words

Ohh, Jesus You Come

And You Show Us The Better Way

That Leads To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Jesus, You Lead To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Yeah, Yeah,

It Always Leads To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, The Sons Always Leads To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Yeah, The sons Always Lead To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

The sons Always Lead To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Yeah, The sons Always Lead To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

You Came, Show Us A Better

You Came, To Show Us A Better Way

And I Hear, The Sons And Daugters Of GOD Crying Out

I Hear, The Children Of GOD Hollering, Crying Out

Come, Let Me Show You A Better Way

The Children Always Lead To The Father Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

I Hear All Of Creation Hollering, Crying,

Ohh Show Us A Better Way

I Hear The Streets In This City Calling Down,

Ohh Show Us A Better Way

Ohh, Show Us A Better Way

Ohh, Show Us The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Ohh, Children Of GOD, Ohh

Can You Show Us The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,

Children Of GOD Ohh Yeah,

Show Us The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,


Wont You Show Us The Better Way

There's Gotta Be, there's Gotta Be A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Please Show Us The Better Way

Children Of GOD, Show Us The Better Way

Ohh, Show Us The Better Way

Whole, Whole, Creating Is Crying Out

Where Are The Sons And Daughters

Ohh Sons, Show Us A Better Way

GOD, Hear Our Hearts

Ohh Yeah, Ohh, Show Us A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Ohh Yeah, Yeah

C'mon, Show Em, Show Em The Better Way

Show Em The Better Way,

Show Em The Way That Leads To The Father

Show Em The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Ohh, Show Em, Show Em The Better Way

Intimacy With You

Intimacy With You

Intimacy With You

Intimacy With You

Yeah, Yeah, Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

On Every Street Corner In This City

There Are Little Children Crying Out

Crying Out, Crying Out,

For Mamma's And Daddy's To Come

To Show Em The Better Way

Better Way, Better Way, Better Way

Than Broken Hearted Women, Orphans And Widows

Crying, Crying, Crying, Crying Out

Show Us The Better Way

And Your Religion Is This

To Care For The Widow And The Orphan

To Take The Hand Of The Dying

To Take The Hand Of The Broken

Take The Hand Of The Religious

Ohh Yeah, Go On, Go On, Go On, Go On

Show Em, Show Em A Better Way

There's A Better Way, there's A Better Way

Show Em The Better Way, Yeahhh

Show Us The Better Way

Fathers To Sons, Sons To Fathers

Go On, Go On Church,

Go On And Show Us The Better Way

Mothers To Daughters, Daughters To Mothers

Go On, Go On, Go On, Go On, Go On,

Go On Church, Go On And Show Us The Better Way

Heay, Heay, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Can You Take Our Ashes, Can You Turn Them Into Beauty

Can You Take Our Morning And Turn It Into Joy GOD

Church, Show Us The Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Can You Hear Creation Groaning

I Hear Creation Groaning Right Now In The Spirit

Groaning Right Now In The Spirit

Sounds Like A Voice Quacking,

Groaning In The Spirit Right Now

Him Calling Out " Trust In Me "

And Him Saying " Show Us The Better Way "

I Can Hear Him Singing

It's Like Crying Out From The Rocks

Crying Out From The Broken Places

Crying Out From Amsterdam

Crying Out, He's Crying

Show Us, Show Us, Show Us, Show Us, Show Us, Show Us

We're Crying Out, Show Us The Better Way

We're Crying Out, We're Crying Out

We Wanna Go The Better Way, We Wanna Go The Better Way

Crying, Crying, Crying, Crying,

Crying Out, Please, Show Us The Better Way

Show Us The Better Way, Show Us The Better Way

The Better Way, The Better Way

There's Gotta Be A Better Way

Break The Chains, Break The Chain

Break, Break, Break, Break, Break, Break

Break THe Chains, Break The Chains,

Break, Break, Break, Break, Break, Break,

Break The Chains

Show Us The Better Way, Show Us The Better Way,

Show Us The Better Way, Show Us The Better Way,

Show Us The Better Way, Show Us The Better Way,

Show Us The Better Way, Show Us The Better Way,

Heah, Show Us The Better Way,

There's Gotta Be A Better Way

Ohh Yeah, Jesus

Show Us A Better Way

There Is A Way That Leads To Life But Few Will Follow

There Is A Way That Leads To Life But Few Will Go

There Is A Way That Leads To Life But Few Will Follow

Ohh Jesus, Show Us, Show Us

Walking With You Father GOD

Ohh, I'm Walking With You Father GOD

To The Heart Of The Broken Now

Walking With You Father GOD

Heah, Heah Walking With You Father GOD

Ohh, Walking With You Father GOD

There's No More Holy Way,

Then The Way That Leads To The Cross

There's No More Holy Way,

Then The Way That Leads To The Cross

Ohh Jesus, Heay, Heay, Heay, Heay, Heay, Heay

Walking With You, Walking With You,

Walking With You, Walking With You

Breaking, Breaking The Age Of The World

The Age, The Age, The Age Of The World

Ohh, You Showed Us A Better Way

Yeah, You Showed Us,

Jesus You Show Us A Better Way

When Man Tries To Put Us Away From It

You Just Keep On Riping It Open

And Showing Us The Better Way

When Man Tries To Put Up Walls,

You Keep On Riping Them Down

You Keep Showing Us The Better Way

Ohh, When Man Keeps Trying To Disillusion

You Keep Healing Our Hearts And Souls

And Showing Us A Better Way

Leads To The Father

Ohh, You Lead To The Father

You Always Lead To The Father

I Wanna See You Daddy Now

Ohh, I Wanna Sit On Your Lap Oh Father

I Wanna Hear Your Whisper Oh Daddy

Ohh, Father Show Me