Lyrics Jason Upton

Jason Upton

Mountain of the living God

Verse 1

Old Man Take My Hand Now

Let Us Walk Together

For Years We Have Labored In Vineyards Apart

The distance Between Us Accounts For THe Problem

Oh Suffering How Beautiful You Are


We Have Come To The Mountain

Of The Living God

Take A good Look Around Us

What We See Is What we've Got

There's No Better Day Coming

There's No Brighter Morning Sun

For We Have Come To The Mountain Of The Living God

Verse 2

Old Man Please Forgive Me

For All I've Been Missing

This Life I Was Given

Is Better Than I

Could Ever Have Wanted Or Even Imagined

Forgive Me For Wasting So Much Time


We Have Come To The Mountain

Of The Living God

Take A good Look Around Us

What We See Is What we've Got

There's No Better Day Coming

There's No Brighter Morning Sun

For We Have Come To The Mountain Of The Living God