Lyrics Jay-Jay Johanson

Jay-Jay Johanson

Deja Vu

It seems I always end up

In the same old place

Like I've seen it all before

And though I try not to

I mae the same mistakes

Who's playing a trick on me

I don't now

Deja vu

I recognize the beat

I've heard it on the street

They put it on repeat

Suddenly I turn around

To face it a second time

Haven't I done it all before

Just like a rerun on teve

Within my mind

Who's playing a trick on me

I don't know

Deja vu

I recognize the beat

I've heard it on the street

They put it on repeat

Une reprise tlvise

A l'intrieur de mon esprit

A rptition

J'avais tout vcu prcedemment

Je fais toujours les mmes erreurs

Ca revient sans arret

Encore et pareilles